Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Feigenbaum, Ahram Samuel (2019-10-23)
      Department: Mathematics
      The sphere packing problem asks for the densest collection of non-overlapping con- gruent spheres in Rn. In 2016, Viazovska proved that the E8 lattice is optimal for n = 8. Subsequently, she with Cohn, Kumar, Miller, and ...
    • Tang, Sui (2016-05-31)
      Department: Mathematics
      Let f ∈ l^2(I) be a signal at time t = 0 of an evolution process controlled by a bounded linear operator A that produces the signals A f , A^2 f , · · · at times t = 1, 2, · · · . Let Y = { f (i), Af (i), · · · , A^(l_i ...
    • Michaels, Timothy Joseph (2017-12-04)
      Department: Mathematics
      Discretizing a manifold is a far reaching subject throughout the mathematical and physical sciences. This thesis has two principal foci. We present and analyze a variety of algorithms for generating point configurations ...
    • Davis, Jacqueline Teresa Haines (2014-07-25)
      Department: Mathematics
      Dynamical sampling is a new type of sampling problem that results from sampling an evolving signal at various times and asks the question: when do coarse samplings taken at varying times contain the same information as a ...
    • Calef, Matthew Thomas (2009-07-19)
      Department: Mathematics
      Let A be a d-dimensional compact subset of p-dimensional Euclidean space. For s in (0,d) the Riesz s-equilibrium measure is the unique Borel probability measure that minimizes the Riesz s-energy over the set of all Borel ...