Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Folkmann, Andrew William (2014-05-27)
      Department: Cell and Developmental Biology
      A critical step during gene expression is the directional export of nuclear messenger (m)RNA through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) to the cytoplasm. During export, Gle1 in conjunction with inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) ...
    • Aaland, David; Finoff, David; Huang, Kevin X.D. (Vanderbilt University, 2010)
      Abstract: Syphilis has re-emerged as a global public health issue. In lesser developed countries, millions of people are contracting the disease, which can be fatal without access to proper treatment. In developed countries, ...
    • Holtkamp, Nicholas Chadbourne; 0000-0003-3351-8677 (2021-08-13)
      Department: Economics
      This dissertation evaluates the health and economic consequences of state laws that required children to be vaccinated against smallpox to attend school in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ...