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Ineffective Assistance of Counsel Before "Powell v. Alabama"

dc.contributor.authorMayeux, Sara
dc.identifier.citation99 Iowa Law Review 2161 (2014)en_US
dc.descriptionarticle published in a law reviewen_US
dc.description.abstractIsabella Nitti-the first woman sentenced to death in Illinois-was national news in her time. Today she is remembered (if at all) as one of the notorious "husband killers" who inspired the Broadway play Chicago. Less well remembered is that Nitti was also one of the first Americans to have her conviction reversed, and her death sentence vacated, on the basis that her lawyer was grossly incompetent.3 Reviewing Nitti's trial on appeal, the Illinois Supreme Court described her attorney as "ignoran[t]," "stupid[]," and "unfamiliar with the simplest rules of evidence." To uphold Nitti's conviction under these circumstances, the court reasoned, would reduce the federal and state constitutional guarantees of the right to counsel to "mere empty formalities." What may surprise lawyers and legal scholars about People v. Nitti is not its Broadway-ready facts, but its date: 1924. Today, we would classify Nitti as a case about "ineffective assistance of counsel" ("IAC"). Although rarely successful, 6 LAC claims now comprise the majority of challenges to criminal convictions in the United States. Yet legal scholars typically frame JAC doctrine as a more recent invention.en_US
dc.format.extent1 PDF (25 pages)en_US
dc.publisherIowa Law Reviewen_US
dc.subjectineffective assistance of counselen_US
dc.subjectright to counselen_US
dc.subject.lcshcriminal lawen_US
dc.titleIneffective Assistance of Counsel Before "Powell v. Alabama"en_US
dc.title.alternativeLessons from History for the Future of the Right to Counselen_US

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